industry benchmark

Digital Customer Engagement Maturity

About the maturity benchmark

Gain data-driven insights into your organization’s Digital Customer Engagement maturity across technical, commercial, and transformational capabilities while benchmarking against your industry peers.

Questions the benchmark will help you answer
  • What are my organization's strongholds and improvement areas within Digital Customer Engagement?
  • How does my organization's Digital Customer Engagement maturity compare to my industry peers?
  • How are capability levels perceived differently within my organizations, for example, Commercial vs. IT and HQ vs. affiliates?
Key outcomes include

Capability assessment, including capability heatmap, key challenge themes, and consolidated interview insights

Intrafirm analysis, including maturity perceptions within and across functions as well as across organizational entities

Industry benchmark, including capability benchmark and relative capability heatmap vs. industry average

Digital Customer Engagement
capability model

Extensive experience enabling global pharma companies to digitally engage with customers

As the leading advisors for Digital Customer Engagement transformations, we have developed a proprietary capability model which is the basis for the maturity assessment.

Outlining 100+ distinct capabilities across technology, commercial, and transformation, the capability model enables life science companies to effectively transform their organization.

What are the outputs?

A tailored Digital Customer Engagement capability assessment and benchmark report, synthesizing company-specific insights and industry data.
1. Capability Assessment

Capability heatmap

Key challenge themes

Interview insights

Adjusted heatmap

2. Intrafirm analysis

Internal variability

Inter-functional variability

HQ vs. affiliates

3. Capability Assessment

Industry capability heatmap

Industry key challenge themes

Relative capability heatmap

Industry benchmark

How does it work?

Sign up

Identify key people

Fill out survey

Optional follow-up interviews

Receive report

In case of questions and to sign up, please send us an email

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Select a cross-functional team to participate, ideally across HQ and affiliates

Each participant will fill out a multiple-choice survey, which takes around 30 minutes to complete

Gain additional qualitative insights into your organization and a more precise assessment

Get the full report including your organization’s capability assessment and industry benchmark

Sign up

In case of questions and to sign up, please send us an email

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Identify key people

Select a cross-functional team of at least 10 stakeholders in HQ and affiliates to participate

Fill out survey

Each participant will fill out a multiple-choice survey, which takes around 30 minutes to complete

Optional follow-up interviews

Gain additional qualitative insights into your organization and a more precise assessment

Receive report

Get the full report including your organization’s capability assessment and industry benchmark

Frequently asked questions

How is the data used?

Your company data will be anonymized and used to establish the industry benchmark alongside the data from other pharma companies. Other companies will not be able to see your specific data, nor know that you contributed to the benchmark. Biobridge Partners will use the benchmark with aggregated data to produce a report to be used commercially. Personal data on respondents, e.g., names, titles, and functions, may be collected to assess intrafirm variability in maturity perception, and will be handled according to GDPR regulations.

Why are you offering the assessment and benchmark report for free?

Understanding the industry-wide Digital Customer Engagement maturity is valuable to both Biobridge Partners and our clients. Knowing where our clients are doing well and where they are challenged helps us sharpen our services as the leading DCE transformation strategists.

Are there any restrictions on how we can use the report afterwards?

No. The benchmark report is intended to be a valuable resource for your organization's growth. Feel free to utilize the insights gained from the report for internal discussions, strategy refinement, and presentations.

When can we except to receive the report?

The report will usually take about 2 weeks to produce after all data have been collected.

How many companies are contributing to the benchmark, and who are they?

At least five global pharmaceutical companies have contributed to establish the initial industry benchmark. As more companies take the survey, the benchmark is continuously expanded. Participating companies are kept anonymous.

Reach out now

If you would like to sign up your organization for participation in the Digital Customer Engagement maturity benchmark, please send an email via the link below.

In case you have questions or would like to arrange a non-binding conversation before signing up, please send us an email and we will get back to you.

Send email

Read more

How to realize omnichannel value?

Despite large investments in omnichannel capabilities, many life science companies have yet to see the results predicted in business cases. In this perspective, we describe how an integrated bundle of technological, commercial, and transformational capabilities combined with deliberate strategic choices will increase the odds of a successful and sustainable transformation and enable full omnichannel value realization.

Read perspective